I love bringing people in the game industry together! Here’s a selection of events I organized.

Upcoming Events

Games [4Diversity]

Games [4Diversity] contributes to the representation and inclusion of socio-cultural minorities in popular culture by organizing game-related events.

At Games [4Diversity], I organize game industry events together with a motivated team. Check the website to see upcoming events!


games 4diversity at vienna pride

Games [4diversity]

G4D @ Rainbow Pride
Vienna 2022-2024

Games [4Diversity]

Gamedev Pride Boat
utrecht 2018-2022

Games [4Diversity] viewing Vienna 2019

Courage Events

Courage XL GDC premixer
San francisco 2019

Games [4Diversity]

games [4diversity] jam
utrecht 2018

Games [4diversity]

Big mix jam 4diversity
sao paulo 2018

dutch game garden

Utrecht 2018

Dutch Game Garden

global game jam
the netherlands 2016-2018

dutch game garden

monthly network lunch
utrecht 2015-2019

Dutch Game Garden

10 year anniversary
utrecht 2018

Dutch Game Garden

Pitch trainings
Utrecht 2016-2018

dutch game garden

Utrecht 2017

Dutch Game Garden

Summer Game Dev
utrecht 2015-2017

Dutch Game Garden

Utrecht 2016

dutch game garden

Valve visits DGG
Utrecht 2016

Dutch Game Garden

INDIGO @ Campus Party
utrecht 2016

Dutch Game Garden

Growing Games: The Harvest
Utrecht 2016

dutch game garden

Utrecht 2015